6 Ways to use Sales Sequences in Freshworks CRM

You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide

Charlie Brooker’s anthology series on Netflix Black Mirror, is celebrated for its wit, style, and its incredibly earnest emotional sensibilities. The show, however, is mostly known for reminding us that the technology we surround ourselves with every day could be leading us toward a convoluted, dystopian world where humanity may be lost. And that isn’t a particularly pleasing message.  

If you’re like me, you probably spent the last weekend of 2017 binge-watching Season 4 of Black Mirror. I’m fairly certain then, that you can relate to what I’m about to say. Filmed entirely in black and white, Metalhead, the fifth episode of the fourth season is set in the post-apocalyptic landscape of the Scottish moors. It follows the journey of Bella (Maxine Peake) who is trying to flee from robotic “dogs” after an unexplained collapse of humanity. The robotic “dog” in question is a sleek, AI-powered Boston Dynamics-esque robot dog, armed with an endless variety of gadgets, weaponry, and tactics at its disposal, and it will not stop until it has caught her.

Coming to think of it, Spam emails are like these robotic “dogs”. You can run from them all you want, but you can never hide. Block them out, they’ll somehow sneak back into your inbox. There are over 200 Billion emails sent every day, and unsurprisingly, 84% of them are spam.

And yet, when it comes to selling, email is still king. Sure, there’s a lot of talk about selling over the phone, live chat, social media, etc., but nothing compares to a well-worded email. Statistically speaking, email is 40 times more effective at getting new customers than Facebook and Twitter combined. Email also has 2x higher ROI than cold calling. The reason is quite simple—everyone checks their email. In fact, it’s the first thing most people do at the start of each day.

Think of it this way, you wouldn’t send your work colleagues Facebook messages—you send emails. When Amazon ships your order, they don’t send you a tweet, they send you an email. We get information, updates, and a whole lot more via email. And there’s no sign of this changing anytime soon. This means you’ll always have an opportunity to put your message in front of people via email.

Pop quiz. What is the first goal of any email?

To get it read.   

Sounds about right, doesn’t it?

But how do you do that without getting lost in the melee of spam? You do that by making your emails smart, relevant, and personalized. That’s where Sales Sequences by Freshworks CRM comes in.

Sales Sequences by Freshworks CRM lets you create, send, and track the perfect personalized outbound sequences that help you start meaningful conversations with your customers.

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Here’s how we use Sales Sequences at Freshworks.

With Sales Sequences by Freshworks CRM, sales teams do not need additional tools to create and send targeted outbound sequences, and then to create follow-up tasks that enable them to have more effective conversations with their prospects. All your customer data through the entire customer lifecycle now lives within your CRM software, allowing you to use it as your single source of truth and make better business decisions. All other Freshworks CRM features such as contact scoring and intelligent workflows work in tandem with Sales Sequences ensure your sales teams prioritize the right contacts and focus on selling rather than scrolling through multiple tabs and/or manually entering data.  

That said, here are six really awesome things you can do to make the most of Sales Sequences and Freshworks CRM:  

Know your customers:

Prospecting isn’t a one-time event. Prospecting IS a campaign. Think of it as one, where different component parts come together like well-oiled machinery allowing you to kickstart a new relationship.

Segment your prospects and craft prospecting sequences using Sales Sequences in Freshworks CRM. Automate your email sequences and follow-ups, and never miss out on an opportunity.

Build relationships:

Effectively developing contacts in a buyer-driven marketplace means investing in establishing and nurturing buyer relationships. Nurture relationships with your prospects at every stage of the sales funnel and through every step of the buyer’s journey.

Create customized email sequences that focus on listening to the needs of your prospects, and providing the information and answers they need.

Improve product experience:

In hospitality, a great concierge can make all the difference by instantly making a guest feel comfortable. They let the guest relax just enough without letting them drift towards boredom and still have enough surprises ready, should the guest demand it — onboarding works along those lines.

The goal of onboarding isn’t just to acclimatize your new users, but also to turn your existing users into power users. Use Freshworks CRM to create the picture-perfect tailor-made, activity-based onboarding email sequence and be the perfect Jeeves to your Wooster.

Win customer love:

In a competitive marketplace, reducing customer acquisition cost, increasing customer retention and maximizing the lifetime value of each customer are the end goals of every communication strategy.   

Communication is key to any successful relationship. Use Sales Sequences to stay engaged with your customers using consistent, targeted, activity-based emails and establish real, valuable, long-term relationships.

Build customer retention:

Would you like fries with your burger? Can I interest you in a warranty package for your new smartphone?

Each of these questions is an attempt to upsell. An advantage of upselling via email is that you already have the trust of the customer. If someone buys an item from your website, sending them emails offering products that will make their purchase better, easier, or save them time can drastically increase revenue. Data from Forbes indicates that 90% of the customer value is obtained after the initial sale. Don’t leave this on the table for others to grab—use Sales Sequences to deliver maximum value to existing customers and fast-track revenue growth with intelligent and well-timed upsell email sequences.

Maximize revenue potential:

Selling tickets to the Super Bowl game? Sell Super Bowl jerseys for the post-game celebrations as well!

For better or for worse, people are easily influenced by other people who are like them or people they like. People will make a purchase if a recommendation to do so comes from people they trust. Cross-selling takes advantage of this behavior. If you’re running a cross-sell campaign, pushing a sale shouldn’t be your tactic. Up your game by understanding your customers’ behavior, leveraging the power of suggestion, and sending them the right message at the right time.    

*Spoiler Alert*

Metalhead does not have a happy ending. Bella couldn’t outrun the “dogs.”

Fortunately, your story can.

With Sales Sequences by Freshworks CRM, you can send the right customer the right message at the right time.

Happy Selling!

To get started with Sales Sequences, here’s a video that can help:

If you’d like to use Sales Sequences right away, here’s an article that can help.

If you haven’t tried Freshworks CRM yet, give it a spin